Wednesday 18 March 2015

Week Thirteen

During this week my group and I carried on editing our magazine cover page and our digipak.
What went well was agreeing to stick to the plan of our magazines cover page and digipak. We made sure that our magazine cover page and digipak had the same theme, colour and similar images.

Here are some examples below of Britney Spears digipak and magazine cover page. The digipak and magazine cover page have the same style of writing, colour, theme and image. This shows the importance of how the theme of the magazine cover page and didipak should be linked.

Evaluation Part 1

What brief were you working to?

Ive been asked to created  a magazine advert,  a digipak  to promote the artist who's called Yugen and  a music video. The artist's Yungen who is a 23 year who specialises in grime music. He is from Herne Hill and  Yungen is known for his versatility in grime producing upbeat and slow songs. Yungen is also known for a lot of punchlines he tends to use in his grime music videos. The artist has his own clothing line called Forever Yung hoodies, T-shirts and hats are distributed for his fans. He is also part of music label called PlayDirty with Krept & Konan who are his team members.

The image below shows proof of permission that Johnson sent to Yungen asking if he we could use his song and do a music video to it. Johnson direct messaged Yungen on Twitter asking if we could use his song - Don't Take It Personal for our A2 production.

The music genre is Grime and it is one of the most popular genre in the UK. There are many UK artist such as Dizzee Rascal, Skepta and more who make grime music. Grime music video have conventions and  tend to use a lot of young boys smoking, rapping in blocks of flats with friends, they use cars, etc. What attracted me to Yungen music was the different ways that his music video is presented. For example at 1:25 of Yungen's music video - Too Real with a medium wide shot it shows a cross on a door which subverts the expectation of conventions of the grime genre. This showed a religious side of the artist that audiences would probably may not have though of him being religious and this shows that he has strong faith in his religion as a Christian. In comparison, we don't see other grime music video using this kind of side.

Week Twelve

On week twelve as a group we took some more pictures for our digi-pak, we also made sure that the images are similar to the ones that we took for the magazine cover page so that they can look similar having the same styles, colour theme, and font style. We made the images send out messages that could express Yungen himself. For example, we used an image of a  Rosary cross chain
which signifies that Yungen is a Christian.

Week Eleven

These are three  pictures out of  20 pictures we took of Mohammed who's playing as Yungen for our magazine cover. After choosing our preferred image we stared editing our magazine cover page using photoshop. We used photoshop so that our magazine cover page can adapt to the Grime music video, Yungen's style by doing that we added different elements such as emerging to images together  to have a special affect on the cover page. We added texts such as the artists n ame, the  name of the song, realise date, hashtags, etc.

Week Ten

On week ten as a class we went through exam questions and model examples to help us revise for our up coming exam. This is to help us understand the exam question and to help us remember keys words,  using theorist to back up our points and to structure of our writing.  

Week Nine

On week nine we planned which days we will film, and on the same week we started filming at Mohammed's house who is the main character playing as Yungen. Whilst filming we took pictures of the location. We used Mohammed's house so that the video can be realistic and to adapt to the lyrics which is what Yungen is sharing his story.
Furthermore, another day during week nine, we did some more filming of Yungen rapping in the hoods where he grew up. We chose this location because our target audience can relate to the struggle that most young black boys go through in these kinds of areas.

Monday 16 March 2015

Week Eight

On week eight as a group we split the work load, Johnson completed the casting list, I did the risk assessment and production schedule, Timi wrote the lyric description on the shooting script.
We spilt the work load so that as a group our group work can be done quicker and one can help the other if there were any difficulties. As a group we completed the shooting script, the shooting script was  time consuming because we had to complete 88 camera angles types, shot and movements, put each sentence of the lyrics on each line which adds to 88, duration, music and sound effect, graphics, description of action, equipment and actors.
Also, checked the weather forecast so that we know what the weather would be like during the week we film and so that the rain does not damage the camera. We booked to set up a small stage so that we can capture Yungen performing on stage.

Friday 13 March 2015

Week Seven

On week seven as a class we learnt about Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and the future technology Web 3.0.
We learnt about how the internet has change over the past few years  and how it has enabled the audience to interact more. Also, we looked at different types of newspapers and how newspapers are different now than before. furthermore, we learnt about the Long tail theory and how that has enabled the audience to have more choices within what they watch, how they watch and when they watch.
The Long Tail Theory shows how choice within in the Media and how choices have now spread

Week Six

Week six- We were given tasks to complete magazine analysis where we have to analyse a band or an artist name, reviews, pack-shot, main image/ focal point, other aspects, action line and body copy. This will support us to analyse our own music album. This showed us the importance of how to create a magazine cover and what feature should be included in order to provide information to the audience and for the magazine cover page to look eye catching. I have analysed 3 magazine cover pages which are Beyonce "I am Sasha Fierce" , Chris Brown " Exclusive" and Gwen Stefani " Love Angel Music Baby". I did not choose the same type of music genre because if I analysed the same song genre the would not be much of a difference within the analysis of the cover pages.

Furthermore, within my analysis I explained why certain features were used, how they've been used, the theme/ mood of the cover page and many more. I think that it is important to analyse all these areas so that audiences know who the magazine cover page its targeted at.

Week Five

Week five-We got put in groups and as a group we decided which song we were going to use for our music video.  We divided the work load that was given to us to complete so that each one of us has something productive to do. Also, we discussed what types of locations we could use, we chose our artist, we came up with 2 different  type of clothes the artist will wear in the music video, etc.
Also, we recorded a video of a group of people to support us to what they would expect in a grime music video.

Also, we made them listen to the song (Yungen- Don't Take It Personal) and told us what they thought about the song, if they would listen to it or not. This has helped my group and I to use expectations, choose to subvert and conform conventions of real grime music videos.

Week Four

Week Four- In week four I presented my pitch, explaing what genre and why, who will be in the video, what location and why, what costumes would be worn, etc. When a student finished presenting their pitch, the audience (class) gave negative and or positive feedbacks on what they liked about the pitch and what can be inproved. Questions where also asked. I think this was beneficial because it supports you when you want to create a music video as different ideas are shown and given, improvements are given and you would able to make a final decision.

Week three

Week three- week 3 I have been posting latest theories on to my blog sharing my knowledge on what I have learnt. I've posted different music video examples and explaining how they conform with the theories. Furthermore, I posted my chosen unsigned artist's lyrics as well as my pitch as a powerpoint where I explain what genre I've chosen,why I have chosen it, what I would like to include in my video, my permission and what costumes would be worn.
The key concept that I have been focusing are genre and representation theory because I think it's important to know what genres target audience listen to and how the music video should be represented in order for the target audience to relate to it.
The main decisions and revisions that I have made was to use different theories and show how they conform to my music video.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Flat plans

This is my group and I's first draft of our digipak, we used images that will represent Yungen. We used an image of a cross on a pair of hands which shows that he is a Christian and he strongly believe that God was going to get him through the tough times, Yungen sitting on a staircase in a block, Yungen walking in the hoods and a picture of him in a place where there is graffiti's on a wall. These images shows that Yungen went through a tough time in the hoods when his mother or father weren't there to take care of him. 
Also, we created an idea of how Yugen's magazine cover page would look like to advertise Yungen song "Don't Take It Personal". We have included the song title, social network @ names (Twitter and Instagram). 

This is our final digipak plan and our magazine cover page, we need to include more features on to the magazine cover page because I think have a lot of dead space does not make to cover page eye catching by Identifying the personality of the magazine.
2. Attract the target audience
3. Lure the reader into the magazine
4. Establish a visual identity (consistent use of format) 
The 4 points are not just for the magazine cover page but for the digipak as well. We have also added background and colour that will relate with the digipak. 
We have included the release date of when the song will be released and where the song will be available.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Lyric, Don't Take It Personal- Yungen

Yungen - Don't Take It Personal

As a group we decided to use johnson's song choice because it had more potential, we thought that it would have been easier to film, find the locations, props, etc. 
This song is about the artist himself how he's life really is and his stage name may look happy but his life is just like everyone else. We see this where he says: ''CJ is living is a nightmare, Yungen is living a dream' CJ is initials whilst Yungen is his stage name and  basically implies he goes through what people go through daily. Also, he tried running away from his troubles and everything this is when he says: ''Too young to understand but old enough to be scared.

"My dad took me to Jamaica until everything cleared'' this shows the problems he was going through as a young kid and despite being so young he had to go through this. We also see that he has hated his mum because she always left him and believes the reason why he's had a bad child hood was because of her lack of presence it his shown when he says: ''My mum fucked off to Jamaica
Left me home alone at thirteen that shit made me hate her''. Despite the fact he mum has abandoned him he still loves and he says: ''Tryna rebuild with my mum hoping that she's going to change
Even though they say she's to blame'' Here he shows he has a heart and because someone does bad to you doesn't necessary mean you do bad to them as well. This song may relate to most young boys who hardly had their parents around.

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

They just see the final edit
They don't ever know behind the scenes
CJ is living a nightmare, Yungen is living a dream
All our fake smiles for years now are starting to wear off
Shit they don't got a clue to where i be
They say i'm paranoid, but you try being kidnapped as a kid
A gun put to your head and taken from where you live
I saw psychiatrist for months and people mess up how you think
I swear to God i ain't been the same since
Too young to understand but old enough to be scared
My dad took me to Jamaica until everything cleared
Comeback to a new house new school now everything so weird
Thinking back still leaves me in tears 
Fast forward some years
My mum fucked off to Jamaica
Left me home alone at thirteen that shit made me hate her
Probably because I used to love her so much
She was gone three months and barely kept in touch
Going through hell thinking life ain't fair
I felt like my sister was the only one there
No electric no gas, but who could I tell
because if i do i'll probably end up in care
So while you was out robbing man for fun
I was robbing because I had to
Everybody called me a bad yute
That took me out because they didn't have a clue
They judged me I just wish they knew

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I ain't been school in weeks
I was out on the streets
There weren't one single lesson teaching me how to eat
Has your house ever been so cold that you can't sleep
I was in the ends trying to make ends meet
yeah my mum comeback
but she was gone again before I knew it
It's sad, I just got used to it
But when she came back for good she kicked me out, yeah I've been through it
Only the Lord knows how I didn't lose it
They try to put me in a hostel in a ends that I got beef in
It's so peak that I ain't sleeping
I just wanna go home but it's real here and I ain't leaving
Tryna speak to God.. all I got was the ceiling
Hoping my Dad will come & save me but he ain't tried
Plus one of my closest friends just died
I felt like my whole world was crumbling before my eyes
there was times I didn't wanna be alive
But take this all away I wouldn't be who I am
Even though it wasn't part of the plan
Real shit that turn me from a boy to a man
I'm trynna sort out everything that I can
Tryna rebuild with my mum hoping that she's gonna change
Even though they say she's to blame
But for once in my life I don't need her, but I want her
I still love her I hope she still feels the same

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you..

I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
I Don't Need You 
But I want you...

Cast List

Production Schedule