Tuesday 5 May 2015

Focus Group- evaluation part 4

My group and I got a group of students to watch our post production and gave us some feedback on what they like about the music video and what could have been better. We had some positive feedback and a negative feed back which was the use of different special effects. Some special effects made some scenes look professional and some not professional. So what we did was to use only 3 or 2 special effects that made our music video look even more professional throughout which we improved on. Other than that lip syncing was great, the use of different camera work, narrative, the use of lyrics put into actions and the narrative. Some students would listen to this sort of song because they can relate to the story and some wouldn't because it not their style of music. 
One of the feedback was that they could relate to it with personally knowing people who've went through this kind of lifestyle at some similiar stages the artist went through. 
Wheb planning our music video we decided to go for a full on narrative which the lyrics are put into actions, however not throughout the whole video which wasn't that awful and were able to catch the viewers attention. 
Furthermore, as the way the sister was represented , this subverted the Male Gaze theory of woment being objects to men for pleasure. In our music video we showed the sister playing a role of a big sister who is taking care and being there for the artist. 

Overall, I think that our msuic video was a huge success as in comparison we subverted theconventions of what you would expect to see in a  grime music video, artists use guns, they smoke, killing, etc. Where as in is our music video is opposing to what you would expect to see in grime music video as we used love in the sense of family love.

To conclude, in future I believe that my group and I would need to improve on adding more scenes showing the relationship of the artist and his sister as his sister was the only one there for him whilst their parents were not around. Also, there were too many happy scenes which was not our aim to have a happy theme but mostly a sad, fustrated theme and being more alone if we were to produce this music video again.

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