Monday 4 May 2015

Evaluation Part 3

This is a screenshot from our final music video of our artist in the studio. With showing his passion for music, we used a close up shot of him rapping into the microphone. By showing him in the studio rapping into a mic shows that he is hard working and shows the work that we as group were working towards having a final production.
In this scene, low angle was used to signify how powerful Yungen is when he raps to the camera with confidence and willing to express his feelings to the camera. Also, in this scene he is with his friend rapping together and shows that at some point in his life he is not isolated like he was in his past. The black clothing connotes that he has had a bad past which makes him who he is today.
This medium wide shot shows how stress Yungen was when he was struggling at home alone which the colour (low key lighting) of this scene shows the tough period he was going throgh at the time and gives a low emotional feeling. As a group we were able to show this scene and link it with his lyrics when he says ' my mum f** to Jamaica and left me at 13...' this shot signifies how fustrated he was and the seperation that he had with his mum.
This is a close up shot to show the artist's facial expression, along with showing the black hoody again signifies evil which is against his religion. It shows that he was felt so isolated, struggling and nobody to look after him that he had to do evil things to be able to survive. Even though we showed his religous side, the black clothing is represented to the audience so that they can relate to his actions/ lifestyle.
This is a two shot which shows the relation that the artist has with his older sister playing on the IPad which links with his lyric- 'It felt like my older sister was the only one there' We used black and white special effect to denote the past and supports the lyircs. The black and white effect also shows the peopel who he loves and thinks about, the theme of love is shown strongly that him and his sister had.

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