Thursday 8 January 2015


My group and I chose this location which is a messy sitting room because this connotes with the narrative of Yungen's song. Showing in the music video how Yungen used to go through tough times when his mum was away and this shows that he couldn't really look after himself.
"My mum fucked off to Jamaica
Left me home alone at thirteen that shit made me hate her". He mentions that his mum left him alone at 13, so he was still too young to handle all the responsibilities such as charging electricity, gas and rent. He had no money to take care of the utility. 

We used this location because says: "I was out on the streets
There weren't one single lesson teaching me how to eat" this explains why he was out on the streets, he had to rob people's purse, phones to sell, etc to be able to provide himself because he had nobody to look after him.
We used this location because he is happy with the life he has now because he is an artist who inspires others by sharing his story and how he became who he is now. He performs his songs featuring other rappers/singers, to entertain his fans.